Your Time of 40: Devotionals for Pregnancy -- Printed Booklet


Written by Certified Birth Doula, Kami Schwartz, “Your Time of 40: Devotionals for Pregnancy” is a printed collection of 10 Jesus-centered, Biblical devotionals and quick evidenced-based doula tips for all 40 weeks of pregnancy as you holistically prepare for labor, postpartum, and motherhood.

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Written by Certified Birth Doula, Kami Schwartz, “Your Time of 40: Devotionals for Pregnancy” is a printed collection of 10 Jesus-centered, Biblical devotionals and quick evidenced-based doula tips for all 40 weeks of pregnancy as you holistically prepare for labor, postpartum, and motherhood.

Written by Certified Birth Doula, Kami Schwartz, “Your Time of 40: Devotionals for Pregnancy” is a printed collection of 10 Jesus-centered, Biblical devotionals and quick evidenced-based doula tips for all 40 weeks of pregnancy as you holistically prepare for labor, postpartum, and motherhood.

Pregnancy, labor, and postpartum are a physical process for sure, but they’re also a profound emotional and spiritual transition. These Biblical devotionals and quick doula tips will support you through the entire journey.

In the Bible, the number 40 is often associated with a time of intense testing, resulting in personal and worldwide transformation. Recall the 40 days and nights of rain in the flood of Noah, or the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the desert before entering the Promised Land, or Jesus’ 40 day fast in the desert before starting His public ministry. These are just a few examples, but each of them brought an important change to the entire world.

These devotionals honor the fact that pregnancy, too, is a “Time of 40.” When a woman walks through a pregnancy, there is certainly trial and testing, but she will also find awesome transformation as she leans into God’s design and will for her life.

Gift this devotional to a loved one! For less than the price of a pack of onesies you can care holistically for your sister, daughter, or friend throughout her pregnancy.

Already deep into your pregnancy and wondering if this is still right for you? Absolutely! Whether you’re in your first, second, or third trimester, Kami’s prayer is that these devotionals will speak to you at just the right time. Read them month by month or binge them all as you wait for labor to start.

If you are a doula, midwife, or pregnancy resource center looking for devotionals for your clientele, email Kami for bulk pricing.

About the Author: Kami Schwartz is a mother and certified birth doula. She has attended 50+ births and taught 150+ couples in her birth classes. But deeper than that, she loves walking with women and families through the incredible spiritual transformation that childbearing brings. She believes that pregnancy is an immense opportunity for God to move and is both so humbled to be a part of it and absolutely honored to witness it. These devotionals are little glimpses into what she has learned through her clients and her own personal experiences.